Member of RPA Council

Born on November 14, 1946, Alapars village of Hrazdan region of Kotayk marz

1953-1963 - Secondary school of Alapars village

1963-1969 - Yerevan Polytechnic Institute after K. Marx, Department of Metal Cutting Instruments and Tools, qualification of engineer-mechanic

1993-1996 - Yerevan Institute of Foreign Economic Relations and Management, Department of International Economic Relations, specialization – International Economist

1963-1973 - SU Machine-Tool Construction and Instrument-Making Ministry, Charentsavan (Lusavan) machine-tool plant, designer, headmaster, shop superintendent

1973-1974 - Alapars State Farm, engineer

1974-1984 - Charentsavan Mechanical Loaders Plant, headmaster, instrumental, ironsmith’s and assembly shop superintendent

1984-1992 - “Hayavto” PU, headmaster, deputy director general for output, first deputy director general

1992-1995 - RA Ministry of Industry, Charentsavan Mechanical Loaders Plant, executive director

1995-1999 - “Armavto” OJSC, president, executive director

1999-2001 - Mayor of Charentsavan town

Since 29 May, 2014 – Adviser to the RA Prime-minister.

2001-2014 - Kotayk Marz Governor

He is holder of the following State decorations: Anania Shirakatsi medal, For Strengthened Collaboration medal of RA Police, as well as St Nerses Shenorhali commemorative medal of the Armenian Apostolic Church.

Republican Party of Armenia

Married, father of 3 children.