Governor of Ararat Marz, Member of RPA Council

Date and Place of Birth
March 26, 1967, Masis region, Ayntap village

1985-1992, Yerevan Institute of National Economy, qualification - economist

Work Experience
1983-1985, Ayntap collective farm worker
1985, DOSAAF Masis district branch, 5th class electrician
1987-1989, “Garun” clothing factory Masis branch, safety eEngineer
1989-1991, Yerevan Scientific and Industrial Waste Recycling Center, Masis district branch, production master
1992-1994, Yerevan Scientific and Industrial Waste Recycling Center, Masis district branch, headmaster
1994-1996, Masis bakery, production master
1996-1997, Masis Electric Networks SE under Ministry of Energy, manager
1997-1998, High-Voltage Electric Networks under Ministry of Energy, southern branch, director
1998-2002, High-Voltage Electric Networks JSC under Ministry of Energy, executive director
January 12, 2002 - February 5, 2002, State Water Management Committee under Government, Irrigation-Water Supply JSC, director-general
February 5, 2002 - July 15, 2002, Deputy Chairman of State Water Management Committee under Government, Director-General of Irrigation-Water Supply JSC
2002-2004, Head of Environmental Inspectorate of Ministry of Nature Protection
2004-2008, Deputy Chairman of State Water Management Committee under Government
2008-2014, Deputy Chairman of State Water Management Committee under Ministry of Territorial Administration
As of May 8, 2014, Governor of Ararat Marz

Additional Information
1985- 1987, Service in the Soviet Army. Liable to military service, junior sergeant, awarded “Armed Forces 20-Year” jubilee medal

Political Affiliation
Republican Party of Armenia

Marital Status
Married, with three sons