


 On the Occasion of Army Day, President Serzh Sargsyan signed a decree to award the military unit soldiers with the awards of the Republic of Armenia for their valor and personal courage in defending the borders of Motherland, professional preparedness, devotion while making debt service in the risk of life-threatening danger, on January 19 in the morning, 20 at night, halting the enemy’s diversion groups penetration trial with little forces and repulsing the enemy in Artsakh and Azerbaijani armed forces north-eastern border.

President Serzh Sargsyan signed a decree to award a group of servicemen and freedom fighters with the medals of the Republic of Armenia on the Occasion of Army Day, for the valor and personal courage in defending the borders of Motherland, significant contribution in bellicose preparedness of troops.

Today, the ceremony of handing awards took place at the Presidential Palace. President Serzh Sargsyan congratulated the servicemen and freedom fighters on the occasion of the holiday and received awards of the Republic of Armenia and in their presence sent his congratulatory message to our fellow citizens.







President Serzh Sargsyan Congratulatory Address to the Awardees


Dear Awardees,

I congratulate you on the occasion of Army Day and receving high state awards. Your mission is unique. That is why it is called a service and not work. Our people treat your work with reverence and feel gratitude to each soldier of our Army and Motherland.

Today here are either staff officers, or military servicemen who combine a powerful and popular force.It is an invincible power from which the enemy fears and avoids. You are the shield under which our country and people live and create. Today I have the honor to hand you awards of the Republic of Armenia, but these are the assessments of our country and people.Well done for embodying our potentiality and displaying our people’s best qualities. I wish you health and happiness, safe service. Continue your holy work, continue your ancestors’ glorious traditions.Continue to be the same you are, but continue to develop your skills and abilities.

Today we remember and pay tribute to all our heroes name by name. Several days ago a junior sergeant Armen Hovhannisyan noble behavior at decisive moment and his and his friends’ heroic dead are real image and example of our Army.

Please take a moment of silence to respect bright memory of a worthy Armenian born soldier, Armen Hovhannisyan.

Thank You!

Dear attendees,

You are indeed those people, those citizens of Armenia, in front of whom it is honor to send a congratulatory message on the occasion of Army Day, which I will do with your permission.




President Serzh Sargsyan Congratulatory Message on the Occasion of Army Day


Dear Compatriots,

I cordially congratulate you on the occasion of Army Day.

Armenian Army became the first state structure when Armenian people were restoring their independence after enduring break. Creation of Armenian Armed Forces is the first and greatest achievement of our country. It is already a historical fact and irrefutable truth. But that does not mean that Army-building mission has lost its actuality.

Literally a few days ago we were witnesses of a soldier’s heroic act protecting our country’s borders, who made his task at the cost of his life defending all that is holy and cherished for all of us. Today, new generation continues the best traditions of our Army and Military formed during Artsakh heroic battle on the battlefield.

In May 2014, 20 years of cease-fire signing will be elapsed. It is already two decades that our Army and people live in “no war”, “no peace” conditions. This situation is particularly difficult for any army and separately, for every soldier and officer, but our Army conducts its mission with dignity during this period.

Today, Our Victorious Army Day is a great holiday and occasion to remember those, who organized borders defense of Artakh and Armenia and conducted it with incredible efforts, and if necessary, at the cost of life. They became an example and standard for future generations just as their fathers and grandfathers were examples for them during World War II.

We bow before the memory of those who turned the imposed war into a glorious freedom. They were not an Army and called themselves “selfe-defense forces” opposed to the gangs who called themselves “Army” but did not deserve half of our detachments.

All parts of our people together formed our Army, not on the paper, but in the battlefield. Legal formulation came later but on time. It was the time, when we have all rights and pride to call us Armed Forces of the Republic of Armenia.

Armenian Army both in cruel days of war and 20 years of cease-fire period proved and every day proves that the enemy bellicose declarations cost nothing, because the border is facing a trained and conscious Armenian military man. And he will stand. 20 years is not even an instant for our history. We will stand as much as it is necessary.

Armenian Armed Forces and Defense Forces of the Republic of Nagorno Karabakh in their formation period told the enemy and everyone a simple thing: “Artakh Freedom is above everything, we are conscious that no one will give us freedom but we are ready to fight. And we won.
Dear compatriots,

I once again congratulate all of us on this holiday. We look forward with confidence because we have a reliable defender in the face of Armenian Army. I wish all of us peace and prosperity.

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