


 President Serzh Sargsyan today received the students and pupils who have won the 2014 RA President’s Education Awards in the IT sphere. Serzh Sargsyan handed the awards to the prize-winners nominated in different categories during a solemn award ceremony held at the Presidential Palace. Together with a certificate for each nomination, the young men received trophies and monetary awards.

26 students and 16 pupils from five higher educational institutions and eight schools have been awarded the annual RA President’s Education Award this year. Taking into account his paramount contribution to developing the IT sphere in Armenia and technologic education of universities, as well as the 10th anniversary of Synopsys, Inc. the Chief Executive of the company Chi-Foon Chan was also awarded the RA President's Education Award.

At the award ceremony President Serzh Sargsyan congratulated the awardees of the 2014 President's Education Awards having made great progress and wished them success.


Remarks by President Serzh Sargsyan at the award ceremony of the RA President’s Education Award in the IT sphere

Honorable friends, Dear awardees,

I am very pleased and happy to hand the RA President’s Education Awards in the IT sphere. We have talked a lot about it and we should now reiterate that the IT sphere is a top priority for us and today that sphere is not only our future but also our present. And all the states, peoples and societies who understand it well and who are able to achieve success in this sphere have secured a bright future. Regardless of our desire, we have to become an information society. All those who consider themselves a part of modern civilization have to embark on this path sooner or later. The sooner and more fully we succeeded as an information society the better both for our country and people. The later we enter that stage, the more problems we will have in the future. This is obvious. And this is an imperative for our times and does not depend on any authority.

The awardees we have here with us and their peers are the important foundation which must underlie the so called information society. In any case, we have such expectations and we hope, dear prize-winners, that you do not disappoint us.

Dear awardees,

I congratulate you on winning these awards. And I congratulate you especially because you are lucky. You have every chance to improve your performance in the future. You are dear to us because in any country and sphere, be it arts, literature or economy, everything first of all depends on successful individuals and everything rests upon those people. Literally all countries, big or small, not to talk about us, need such individuals.

Today “creative” has become a stylish word among our youth. However, as a representative of the elder generation, I prefer the word “steghtsagorts” which is more understandable and closer to me. In my opinion, this Armenian word is more capacious and expresses the meaning of both creation and action. You have won awards owing to the very creative approach you have demonstrated in your works. Continue the same way and people will love you more respecting and appreciating you more deeply. Continue to make efforts at developing your professional qualities not by copying what others say, but by mastering it creatively. Likewise, make education a creative work, and you will see what is absent in textbooks and guidebooks.

I wish you success. High schools and universities are the borderline and the gates to the so called 'world of adults' and the 'world of adults, believe me, is much more complex. Here competition is much tougher with norms sometimes being neglected, and this environment is not more sterile. I wish you to never retreat and become desperate in any circumstance. Be confident that you are stronger and success will certainly reach you because you are gifted, you have the will and your future, if you do not become idle and go the wrong direction, is secured. I wish you all success. Well done! Thank you.

The president urged the awarded students and pupils to never be depressed about criticism if they are sure of choosing the right path and keep moving forward confidently. In that context, the Armenian President noted that the state has adopted the right education policy and underscored once more that education and science are the foundation and the future of our country.


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