
The results of the assessment and analysis of the work done by the administrative districts within the third quarter of 2014 have been summarized


 The results of the assessment and analysis of the work done by the administrative districts within the third quarter of 2014 were summarized during the conference held in the Municipality of Yerevan and chaired by Mayor Taron Margaryan.
According to the brief data on the work carried out by the administrative district in different spheres of urban economy in the last three months, the first place has been occupied by Shengavit, the second place by Arabkir and the third place was given to Kanaker Zeytun district. The lowest results were shown by Kentron district.
The 4-11 lines were occupied correspondingly by the districts of Davtashen, Avan, Erebuni, Nor Nork, Malatia Sebastia, Nubarashen, Ajapnyak and Nork Marash.
Referring to the results Mayor Taron Margaryan instructed to carry out everyday systematic work to solve the set problems and to ensure the rates in accordance with the system of assessment. “This approach of assessment of the functions of the administrative districts reflects the effectiveness of your performance. It’s necessary to work systematically to provide required rates in various spheres of urban economy. The work of the administrative districts which previously occupied high positions and have lowered their positions is inacceptable for me. I urge and demand that you go on working systematically and do your best to gain better results”, stressed Taron Margaryan.
The heads of the administrative districts shown poor performance have been instructed to correct the defects as soon as possible and to carry out consistent activities in this regard.

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