
Taron Margaryan: “It’s inacceptable when people apply to us with the same problem for months”


During the regular working meeting in the City Hall it was reported concerning citizens’ receptions that during the month of May 755 citizens took part in the receptions organized in the City Hall and in the administrative districts. 633 issues of the raised ones got appropriate solution and comprehensive answers. Referring to the contents of the applications the Mayor instructed the persons in charge to study all the applications related to the same problem in different years.
“ We persistently appeal to our co-citizens to call by hot-lines and to inform about the problems. It’s certainly important that corresponding services respond to the calls rapidly and take the alarm calls into process however it's not enough. Similar problems should not be repeated. So, study the character of the received applications, fix frequently repeated problems so that it would be clear what the main problems with which the citizens apply to us are. If the same problem concerns a number of citizens it becomes our problem. It's inacceptable when people for months apply to as with the same problem. Scrutinize the applications and report on the results so as further steps will be taken to solve such problems completely'', said Taron Margaryan.
The head of the Department of Trade and Services reported that as a result of the control over illegal street trade prevention activities 8 cases of violation had been revealed the previous week and administrative protocols had been drawn up. Within the reported period 1 non-operated stall was dismantled. The mayor instructed to go on the activities and to strengthen the supervision particularly at the weekends and not working hours.
''The activities aimed at the prevention of illegal street vending are to be carried out every day. The control should be strengthened at weekends when illegal trade becomes more active particularly in yard areas. Significant work has been done in this regard in recent years, including such measures as organization of the markets of agricultural products, creation of mini-markets in different administrative districts. This process will be long-lasting and everything will be done to instill proper trade conditions and to eliminate illegal open-air trade'', said the Mayor.
The head of the Department of Nature Protection reported that landscaping, cleaning of parks and gardens are going on in the capital. Dry and damaged trees are being treated or removed. The Mayor instructed to inform the citizens about the actions beforehand. 

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