Mayor Taron Margaryan meets with Ambassador of Kuwait to Armenia

Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan met with the new-appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Kuwait to Armenia Nauaf al Enezi. Congratulating the Ambassador on starting his diplomatic mission in Armenia Taron Margaryan wished him success in his responsible mission and stressed that within its powers Yerevan Municipality is always ready to support Kuwait Embassy in Armenia.
Attaching importance to strengthening relationship between the capitals of the two states Yerevan Mayor noted that today there is a wide field for cooperation and realization of mutually beneficial programs.
“The relationship between Armenia and Kuwait is developing regularly and from year to year the bilateral cooperation is increasing. We attach importance to strengthening bilateral relations and your role, Mister Ambassador, and the role of RA Ambassador to Kuwait are certainly highly important in this issue. As you know, the draft of friendship agreement between Yerevan and El-Kuwait is already prepared and soon it will be signed which will make it possible to establish tight cooperation in various spheres of urban economy”, said the Mayor of Yerevan.
Expressing gratitude for warm welcome Ambassador Nauaf al Enezi assured that he will do his best to promote strengthening friendly relationship and establish and develop the interaction between the two capitals.
“Mister Mayor, I'd like to mention that I am impressed with Yerevan attractiveness, and I have already made sure that there is wide field for mutually beneficial cooperation and investments. I will do everything within my powers to promote ratification of the friendship agreement between Yerevan and Kuwait as soon as possible, which will contribute to further strengthening of friendship between our people”, said the Ambassador.
During the meeting the agreement was made that the persons in charge of the both parties will discuss and outline the priority directions of investment to be made in Yerevan.