Taron Margaryan: At last Yerevan will have southern entry of strategic significance which has been only a dream for years

During the working visit Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan familiarized himself with the work provided for by the General Plan of Yerevan for the construction of the road joining Arshakunyants avenue, Shirak street and Artashat highway which is being carried out with the assistance of the Asian Development Bank and within the frame of sustainable urban development program.
The main aim of the new road comprising a part of the complex program of construction of the bypass road in Yerevan is to relieve the center of the capital providing connection between the northern and southern entries to the city.
“I have marked many times that the problem of relieving the center of the capital requires urgent solution. In this context, due to the support of the Asian Development Bank and within the frames of the program of sustainable development of the capital in January, 2014 we started the construction of the bypass road provided for by the General Plan of Yerevan. You have already made sure that the work carried out within the frame of the 1st tranche of the investment program is at the final stage and in about a month the road of 5km length will be put into operation. Today we can state that Yerevan will have the southern entry corresponding to its strategic significance which we have dreamed of for years”, said the Mayor.
The persons in charge reported Mayor Taron Margaryan that with the aim of providing uninterrupted transport movement an overpass of 270 m had been constructed over the railroad track. An overground pedestrian crossing has also been constructed over Ashtarak highway. This overground crossing will be equipped with the elevators for people with locomotor problems.
“One of the most important advantages of this road-construction work is that the underground communication lines have been replaced beyond the roadway. We definitely can state that we have a road corresponding to European standard which I believe will serve the resident of the city long and effectively”, said the Mayor of the capital.
Stressing the particular importance to the realization of road construction programs in the capital Mayor Taron Margaryan stressed that these activities will have their logical continuation which has already been started.
“By the next stage, as a result of the 2nd tranche of the program the northern and southern gates of the capital will be connected. In this regard the construction of the road leading from Shirak street to Argavand has already been started. Within the frames of this construction the bridge “Erebuni-Yerevan 2800” of 252 m length will be constructed over the Hrazdan river becoming a present for the 2800th anniversary of the capital. The tender for the construction of the road segment Davtashen-Astarak highway has already been held and currently we are at the stage of signing the treaty and at the beginning of next year the construction of this segment is to be started. The tender for the construction of the segment of the road joining Babajanyan street and Ashtarak highway will be held soon. I am sure that after finishing these road construction programs the central street of the capital will be significantly relieved”, said Taron Margaryan adding that the end of the construction of the bypass is scheduled for 2019 and as a result we will have the road of 23 km length corresponding to European standards which will join the northern and southern gates of Yerevan.