RA NA President Galust Sahakyan Hosts Mass Media Representatives in Parliament

On December 27, on the occasion of the New Year and Holy Nativity the President of the RA National Assembly Galust Sahakyan invited the heads and the journalists of the mass media to a festive reception. Addressing the attendees the NA Speaker said:
“Dear representatives of the mass media,
I congratulate you on the occasion of New Year and Holy Nativity!
The passing year was rich in events, so I think that we had no occasion for getting bored. The media representatives, on behalf of those present today, were in the centre of attention of all events in Artsakh, in Armenia with high conscience of civil and professional duty. The battlefield and the political field, the inter-state and inner-state life never felt any slight sign of indifference or carelessness, including also in the National Assembly, in our case, even vice versa.
Considering the parliament as a democratic free political platform of expression of moods and viewpoints, me as Speaker of the National Assembly and the Staff of the National Assembly, always sought to provide the execution of the right to free speech and sincere atmosphere of the implementation of journalistic activities and relevant conditions. I hope that our cooperation both in terms of political and merely human sense is successful and will have effective continuation.
Dear journalists, the upcoming year of 2017 is a year of parliamentary elections. I am sure that as always, during this important event for our country the journalistic field of Armenia will display itself with dignity, being guided by all-state and popular interests.
Once again congratulating you on the occasion of New Year and Holy Nativity, I wish you and your families peace, welfare and all the best.”
By the order of the RA NA Speaker Galust Sahakyan, for great contribution to the freedom of information and speech the Executive Director of the Public Radio of Armenia Arman Saghatelyan was awarded the RA NA Medal of Honour, the Deputy Director of Public Radion of Armenia Lilit Tumanyan, the journalist of the Hyemedia AM Information Website Karen Vardanyan, the Editor of Yerkir AM Information Website Agnesa Khamoyan, the Editor of ArmInfo Agency Tatevik Shahunyan, the journalits of AR TV Company Margarit Davtyan were awarded the RA National Assembly Diploma. The Editor of Shamshyan com Information Website Gagik Shamshyan, the journalist of Hetq am Information Website Grisha Balasanyan, the journalist of Shant TV Company Artak Hovhannisyan, the journalist of Armenia TV Company Zohrab Haroyan were awarded the RA National Assembly President’s Memorial Medal, the journalist of the information website Sose Chandoyan, the Adviser to the Director of the Public Relations and Information Centre SNCO of the RA President’s Staff Mariam Hakhnazaryan, the journalist of Kamar electronic newspaper Marieta Makaryan, the journalist of Aravot daily Nelly Grigoryan, the journalist of Ararat TV Company Zhirayr Grigoryan, the journalist of Ararat TV Company Izabella Hovhannisyan, the cameraman of Information Website Vardan Poghosyan, the cameraman of Yerkir Media TV Company Ashot Gabrielyan were awarded the RA NA President’s Letters of Appreciation, and the Adviser to the Director of Public Relations and Information Centre Hovhannes Nikoghosyan were awarded the RA NA President’s souvenirs - nominal watches.