Program «Young leaders 2016-2017» was held in Budapest with RPA Youth organization

On 18-22 January in the capital of Hungary Budapest on the joint initiative of the Robert Schuman Institute and Eduardo Frei Foundation the final part of the program “Young leaders 2016-2017” was held with participation of 19 young politicians from various countries of Eastern Europe. Hasmik Ghazaryan represented RPA.
It should be mentioned that Program “Young leaders 2016-2017” is a series of courses, composed of three parts.
The initiative aimed at providing theoretical and practical knowledge on political, social, cultural challenges and developments in Europe, fundamental values of democracy, particularly Christian democracy, underlining their practical aspects in decision making process.
The two parts of the program were focused on democracy and international security issues.
The third – and final – part of the series focused on the challenges in the economic and social life. The main agenda included economics for politicians- from the basis to economy policies, international financial organizations, globalization and its impact on everyday policy making, public private partnership in building regional economic capacity, privatization and foreign direct investments.
At the end of the program the participants were awarded certificates.