Young Republicans made a pilgrimage to Spitakavor, where the remains of Garegin Nzhdeh are buried

On 17 June - on the commemoration day of the Armenian military leader and statesman, national ideologist and thinker Garegin Nzhdeh, on the initiative of the Ideological Commission of RPA Youth Organization about 100 young Republicans participated in the pilgrimage to Spitakavor.
It should be mentioned that the remains of Garegin Nzhdeh were secretly buried in the yard of Spitakavor Monastery of Vayots Dzor region on 17 June, 1987 nearby Vernashen village. This year we mark the 30th anniversary of making Spitakavor a pilgrimage place. Since June 17, 1987 many patriots and followers of the teaching of G. Nzhdeh from various parts of the world have made a pilgrimage from Vernashen village to Spitakavor.
The Head of the Ideological Commission of RPA Youth Organization Vahe Movsisyan noted that every year this day young Republicans organize a pilgrimage to Spitakavor to pay tribute to the memory of G. Nzhdeh.
A candle-lighting ceremony was followed by a cultural program.