Food To Be Safe And Of Premium Quality In Armenia

A Cabinet sitting was held today, chaired by Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan.
To begin with, the meeting discussed food security issues. The findings of the latest monitoring were reported back by the head of the Ministry of Agriculture-affiliated Food Security Service, who answered the questions of Tigran Sargsyan (see separate).
Down to the agenda, the government decided to set up a Cash Register Introduction Office SNCO, authorizing the State Revenue Committee by the Government to supervise the SNCO. The newly established entity will be responsible for the introduction and maintenance of new-generation cash-registers in accordance with the Armenian legislation.
The meeting approved a bill on amendments to the law “On application of cash registers” in a bid to increase tax revenue with the use of more accurate databases. The bill will be submitted to the National Assembly in the manner established by law.
Considering the importance of the issue, the Prime Minister instructed the leadership of the SRC to provide comprehensive information to all the beneficiaries through mass media (see separate).
The meeting next approved Republic of Armenia’s employment strategy for 2013-2018.
Employment is an important component of welfare policy, which guarantees dignified employment in line with the internationally accepted standards. Through its employment policy the government identifies the uncompetitive labor groups and provides for effective integration, easing thereby social tensions in the country. Fully consistent with the EU principles, the strategy reflects the government’s regional employment policy priorities.
The Executive amended a previous decree to ensure that a national epidemiological surveillance list for seasonal flu is developed in cooperation with the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention, as well as to build capacity in the given field.
As decided by the government, the Economic Development Fund of Gyumri was renamed into Fund for Industry Development. This will help expand its terms of reference which are part of Armenia’s export-oriented industrial policy strategy.
The government is thereby implementing a special State support program highlighting the role of small and medium enterprises in ensuring economic development and employment.
The meeting amended another decision relating to the safety control in aviation. The amendment is expected to facilitate the procedures applicable to the checks of passengers, luggage and freight, as well as enhance the video surveillance measures.
The government backed the proposal on signing an agreement between the governments of the Republic of Armenia and the Russian Federation in the fields of defense industry and R&D cooperation.