Pre-election speech of Serzh Sargsyan in Kapan

Dear compatriots,
I was here 5 years ago in order to ask for your vote of confidence. Today I am here again to give an account to you of what I have done, as well as to introduce the tasks owing to which our country will be more secure and competitive.
My pre-election program includes steps which are necessary for the development of our country and society and they include all spheres of our life. Kapan is one of the towns of Armenia which directly faced the war horrors, destroying bombings. You don’t need any explanations what “Secure Armenia” means. “Secure Armenia” for the people of Syunik first of all means peace. And only strong army can force an enemy peace. We have serious achievements in this sphere which will be multiplied during coming five years. We will continue to provide our armed forces with modern armaments and military equipment.
Dear compatriots,
Only peaceful work is not enough for more secure Armenia. That work must have high productivity. Economic progress will be conditioned by entrepreneurial activity during coming years. Special support will be given to new business initiatives. The results of the active industrial policy implementation will be perceptible especially in Syunik. Towns in Syunik must be restored as cultural, educational and health service centers.
We are a winner country. Our domestic policy which aims at strengthening democracy and rule of law in our country, has essentially improved our national image. Our positions on foreign policy are in peace and harmony with the positions of international organizations.
Being in power we are in debt to each citizen of the Republic of Armenia who are worthy of living more comfortably. Particularly we are in debt to people in Syunik. We have uncompleted programs which will positively and essentially change the social-economic situation in Syunik. A part of this program is in progress now. I have come here to get your support to complete these programs successfully.
Dear compatriots,
Syunik is a unique point of departure for me. “Secure Armenia” isn’t a dream for me, it is a program, which is possible to implement by means of concrete levels and in a concrete period. Comprehensively secured Armenia and comprehensively secured citizens are our purpose. Our pretensions to hit the targets are not just “kind wishes”. The potential of Armenia, particularly the potential of Syunik hasn’t been completely discovered. We will discover together. First of all you will discover it. Our task is to promote, to support and to direct these processes. And we will do it.
I have never had doubt of your will, abilities, devotion. I am sure that we will see and enjoy “SECURE ARMENIA” together.
I am very grateful to you for being here. I am very thankful to you for your support. Some events will happen in our reality in a month which can sharply change the further development process of Armenia. I mean the organization of free, fair, transparent elections. Now we have a brilliant opportunity to organize such elections. Some people try to blame us for not having any strong competitors. Our task isn’t creating a competitive field. Our task is giving an opportunity to everybody who wants to be nominated. I am sure that you will do everything to hold good elections because it depends only on you.
I am very grateful to you and I hope after these elections we will have a topic of conversation: we will express our gratitude to those who participated in the elections, who were active and will tell that due to them we have an opportunity to develop our motherland.