Serzh Sargsyan’s pre-election speech in Yeghegnadzor

Dear compatriots,
First of all I would like to thank you for coming here, for your support. Your presence is dear to me as well as obligatory. Your trust and expectations made me come here. I have to justify them. My decision to be re-elected is first of all based on them. Yes, I want to continue what I have begun with your support and trust. We must bring current programs to the logical end, as well as set about the realization of new programs.
Dear compatriots,
Vayots Dzor is one of the most unique provinces of Armenia with its ancient places of interest and newly-planted gardens, modern wine-making, masterpieces of the medieval culture, especially architecture. You live in this rich nature and heritage. Our common task is to provide our families with high wages. It means that we must have developed modern villages and effective agriculture. It is one of the most important points of my pre-election program and we can jointly realize it if you want.
We will contribute to agricultural cooperation, development of vine-growing, fruit-growing; will continue to provide farmers with affordable loans and fertilizers.
Vayots Dzor has a great potential to be comprehensively developed not only in the sphere of agriculture, but also in industry, energy, tourism etc. Our task is to jointly identify and call into life that potential.
“Secure Armenia” is not only a slogan, but a complex program. I call on you to take an active part in the elections and clearly express your political sympathy and positions.
“Towards secure Armenia” program is not abstract, but concrete. It touches upon the interest of each of us. I ask for your trust in order to achieve Armenia of our dreams, walk together TOWARDS SECURE ARMENIA.
In order to achieve “Secure Armenia” it is extremely necessary for us to hold free, fair, transparent presidential elections in accordance with international standards. We have opportunities to hold the best elections. Further development of Armenia is impossible without good elections, without free, fair elections. I am sure that the majority of our citizens realizes this simple truth and will do everything possible in order both our population and our colleagues, representatives of international community register just such kind of elections on February 18. You know that there is a freedom of speech in Armenia. Both our citizens and political forces always try to find defects in all spheres of our activity and it is useful for us. Since we are going to hold presidential elections they try to find defects in the organization process of these elections forgetting that they are also in charge of holding good elections. Your February 18 first task is to come to the polling station and take part in the polls. As a presidential candidate I would like to receive maximum votes, but frankly speaking my main goal is to hold good elections. I am sure that all citizens of Vayots Dzor agree with me.